Hadar is an Arab Jewish scholar, mystic and artist whose work focuses on multi-religious spirituality, politics, social issues, and community building. She is the founder of Malchut, a spiritual skill-building school teaching Jewish mysticism and direct experience of God. Malchut’s capstone offering is God Fellowship, a curriculum on the cosmology of creation delivered via group classes and a self-guided online course. Malchut is also home for her Jewish Mystical School, which includes a library of her classes and a community platform for connection. Her tarot readings are also available to book through her website. Hadar teaches and consults in a variety of settings and formats, from one-on-one coaching to online group classes and in-person retreats. Hadar is a 10th-generation Jerusalemite with lineage roots in Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq and Iran. She is currently pursuing her MFA at Transart Institute for Creative Learning. Her podcast, Hadar’s Web, features community conversations on spirituality, healing, justice, and art. Subscribe to Hadar’s Substack for access to her latest writings, offerings, and media appearances.
Library of Classes
Store featuring online courses on God, healing and Jewish mysticism as well as guided PDFS and other learning channels.
A mystical school on direct experience of God through heart-centered spiritual traditions.
Insight Timer Meditations
Free meditations on direct experience of God and Jewish Mysticism.
God Fellowship
A 12-week training that teaches practical skills of how to use the mind, body and heart to ground your relationship with the Creator.
Jewish Mystical School
Join this membership based Jewish Mystical School starting at $40/month and have access to recordings and live classes on Jewish tradition. Open to people of all faiths.
1:1 sessions that support you in connecting to Divine Presence. Sessions combine body awareness practices, talking through experiences, and energetic liberation work. Tarot readings available as well.
Performance Art
Short films that weave Jewish mysticism, exile, ritual, dance & music
writings on Arab Jewish identity, Palestine and Judaism.
Speaking Engagements
“Hadar is an incredible transformational servant leader and holder of space where true magic occurs. I cannot think of a word stronger than magic- I have been honored to witness her work in many forms - workshops, writings, community circles, public speeches- and what remains consistent throughout, is Hadar’s ability to educate and empower with humility, grace, truth telling, and spiritual devotion. Hadar’s dedication to authentic interfaith and intercultural connections and solidarity makes her a rare leader with deep integrity. Her voice and vision is desperately needed now more than ever, and her identity positions her to be a powerful liaison across several communities and practices.”
- Dalia Omar Zada
“Hadar is a powerful and gifted educator and facilitator. Her understanding of positionality and her brave engagement in political and social discourse is medicine for these polarized times. Combining her deep spiritual connection to the Divine with her sharp intellect, she develops content and engages participants in learning processes that feel inspiring, uplifting and potent.”
- Elena Pinsky
"Hadar is the real deal. Brilliant. Passionate. I am always interested in what she has to say"
- Daniel Kronovet
“Hadar is a gifted space holder. Whether she is playing the role of educator, consultant, or facilitator, she brings a perspective that is both unique and unifying to all that she comes across. It’s not hard to tell that her work comes from a deep place of love for humanity. Every time we work together I learn something new, find myself asking new questions and feel myself coming closer and closer to the Truth.”
- Maya Mansour
“Hadar is a true mystic. She seamlessly weaves together justice and ancient wisdom, and from her pours forth insight that helps us mend and re-member the fractured pieces of ourselves. Her approach to teaching is gentle and profound, drawing the student into her wellspring of knowledge and wisdom with timeless grace.”
- Ariella Powers